Reduce the Effects of Air Pollution on Your Health


The Bad Effect of Air Pollution on Health

The bad effects of air pollution on our health and mind are something that cannot be ignored. The results we all are facing due to air pollution and the associated elements are not hidden from anyone. Researches reveal that air pollution is one of the biggest threats to health, and every new invention, in some way, leads to air pollution only. On one side, we are growing and extending our hands in every direction of life.

Whereas on the other hand, we are ourselves inviting diseases and illnesses by contributing to the pollution in our surroundings and cities. This pollution can enter our lives in any possible way, i.e. smoke from industries, vehicles, etc. According to researches, the major air pollutants we are inhaling daily include:

  • Ground Level Ozone
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Lead, and
  • Particulate Matter

But, the major fact to be worried about is that this air pollution can be deadly too. Yes, you heard it right. So, let’s see how.

Reduce the Effects of Air Pollution on Your Health
Image Source: Pexels

How Can the Effects of Air Pollution be Deadly?

These major pollutants are responsible for the deadly effects of pollution we tend to face. Both the outdoor as well as indoor air is polluted today and the worst fact is that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. This air pollution can cause illnesses like lung damage, cancer, or even the whole respiratory tract. Here is the list of health problems that one can face due to long term or short term exposure to air pollution.

Reduce the Effects of Air Pollution on Your Health
source: pexels

The long term exposure to air pollution can be responsible for causing some permanent health problems like –

  • Accelerated lungs aging
  • Decreased functionality and productivity of lungs
  • Diseases like Asthma, bronchitis, cancer, and
  • Short life span etc.

The short term exposure to air pollution can be responsible for causing some health problems like –

  • Asthma attacks or acute bronchitis
  • Making you susceptible to respiratory infections, and
  • Heart attacks and arrhythmias in people already suffering from heart diseases

The health effect of air pollution can influence anyone, but there is a list of most susceptible ones:

  • Already suffering from heart diseases, coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure
  • Already suffering from lung problems like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema or COPD
  • Pregnant Women and Aged People
  • Children under the age of 14 as well as the outdoor workers etc.
Reduce the Effects of Air Pollution on Your Health 1
source: pexels

Have you thought of the reason about why we are seeing more asthma and bronchitis cases today than earlier times? It was not the scenario with our ancestors, right? But today, every 7 out of 10 people are suffering from some sort of breathing problems, why? The only reason is air pollution.

So, in other words, we can say that we are enjoying every resource and invention at the cost of our and our loved ones’ lives. Isn’t it? No, I don’t mean to say that the development and innovative ideas should be stopped, but the effects of air pollution should surely be stopped. Is there anything we can do to stop the adverse effects of air pollution? Yes, we can.

Also Read:- What are the Causes of Obesity and Health Problems

Steps to Reduce the Effect of Air Pollution

Well, we all know that stopping air pollution completely is quite a difficult task to do. But, we can surely do something to reduce the effects of air pollution on health. Here are some possible ways –

  • Using an effective air purifier to reduce the effects of pollution mixed in indoor air.
  • Trying to avoid or at least lessen the exposure to outdoor air.
  • If you are suffering from heart or lungs related problems, try to avoid the roads with heavy traffic to keep the automobile pollution at a bay.
  • Working on boosting your immune system to protect yourself from the effects of air pollution.
  • Trying to plant more and more plants in your surroundings. It can help keep the effects of air pollution at a bay.

So, here are some ways that can help keep you healthy, or at least in a better situation than today, even when you are living in a location with lots of air pollution.  Apart from all this, making some changes in the lifestyle and adding some spices of yoga and meditation can also be very helpful.

Well, it’s the most difficult, yet most effective step to be healthy in the long term. Practicing a bit of yoga and meditation on a daily basis can gradually help you increase immunity as well as keep your body organs fit and healthy.

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